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Talking about my wedding day with my son

A few weeks ago on one ordinary morning, three-year-old Nathan happened to notice our wedding photo on display in our dining area. That photo had always been there but for some reason, it was only that day when Nathan really took such an interest in it.

He asked many questions about it.

Why are you dressed like a princess mummy? And why is daddy like a prince?

Because that was when mummy and daddy got married.

Why? Why do you want to get married?

Because mummy and daddy want to be together.

Why? Why do you want to be together?

Because we love each other.

And so on, and so on… (as you can see, we are very much in the thick of the “whys” over here).

It was actually the very first time he was asking about the concept of marriage. So I brought out our wedding photo album to show him. He spent ages fully engrossed in poring over each photo.

We had such a wonderful time looking at the photos together, pointing out some familiar faces of various family members. And I enjoyed reminiscing the beautiful memories of that special day.

As I was looking through these photos, I came across these few special little touches on our wedding day which I really loved…

I carried yellow roses for my bouquet
I wanted to hold on to something bright and cheery to reflect the happiness of that day.


We had a design-your-own card table for our guestbook
We prepared colour pencils, markers and cardstock for guests to get creative in designing their own message cards for our guestbook. The kids really loved it and it doubled up as a fun activity for them to do on that day.


I prepared a ‘blessing bouquet’ for the bouquet toss
I divided the flowers into little posies tied with ribbons which had a little verse written on them. So when I tossed the bouquet, the posies would come apart to be caught by several girls instead of just one. I wanted the significance of the toss to be about passing on a blessing to my friends (instead of the traditional “you’re next!”)


It’s been nine years since that day, but I still remember it so clearly in my mind. Like all weddings, it was a whirlwind of a day and was over in just a blink. But what remained after that day and what we still have today and for the rest of our lives together is our marriage.

Are you currently going through an onslaught of persistent little “whys” on a daily basis?
Have your kids ever asked about your wedding day? How did you share your memories of that day with them?

Linking up to Essentially Jess for I Blog On Tuesdays
Please also check out my fun interview with the lovely Lisa at Random Acts of Zen


  1. Your wedding looks beautiful, and I LOVE the idea of the blessing bouquets!

  2. Beautiful memories. I remember my little boy asking me all about our wedding day, and looking through the album, then I got my dress out of the cupboard, along with hoop skirt ( oh yes.. hoop skirts were all the thing 21 yrs ago lol) and veil. First he examined the veil and decided it must be to keep the bees out, then he asked about the hopp underskirt. "Why do you have that ?.. I explained that it goes under the pretty dress. He replied" In case you vomit on the top one?" .. yep something like that.

  3. We haven't reached the why stage yet and I am not looking forward to it. Funnily enough though, Punky pulled uor wedding album off the shelf the other day and we spent ages going through it and talking about the pictures and all the people in them. It was great. #teamIBOT

  4. Trent and I aren't married. We plan on getting married before she goes to school so hopefully we are married before she starts asking questions :z

  5. Oh I can't wait till my sons ask about our wedding day! And those details are just beautiful! Love that you had a bright bouquet - I did too. :)

  6. Gosh Serene, you look divine! I too remember my special day like it was yesterday. My oldest used to love watching our wedding DVD, it's actually very well done, money well spent, I look at myself and can't believe it's me. Love your flowers.

  7. What a lovely reminisce Serene. Loved how your son asked 'why do you look like a princess?" - they know the right things to say don't they! And the why's - the go on, and on, and on...ours are slowing a little with our 4 year old, who has turned into the biggest chatterbox so he'll tell you 'why' about everything!


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