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My two little daily reminders

When I was pregnant with Grace, people kept giving me dire warnings about the many issues I would encounter dealing with sibling rivalry, fights and tantrums. I admit that I got pretty stressed out about the whole thing.

But since the arrival of baby Grace to our family, I kept waiting for the drama, the tears, the meltdowns. But there honestly hasn’t really been any. Sure there are some days that seem longer than others, but nothing that really resembled all the dire predictions I was expecting.

On the other hand, our days are filled with plenty of giggles and belly up laughter. There is no one else in the world that can make baby Grace laugh so much apart from her big brother.

Grace has become Nathan’s little shadow, following him everywhere, wanting to get stuck into whatever he’s doing. And Nathan more than welcomes his little sister’s company, and often seeks her out to join him as well. My heart always brims over with joy whenever I see them together.





I don’t claim to have done anything particularly clever or ground-breaking to facilitate any of this.

I consider all this to be simply a gift --surrounded by grace.

Nathan (which means “gift from God”); and Grace (which means “unmerited favour”).

These two names are a daily reminder that life is a gift; that grace surrounds me everywhere I go.


Listen to your life.
See it for the fathomless mystery that it is.
In the boredom and pain of it
No less than in the excitement and gladness:
Touch, taste, smell your way
To the holy and hidden heart of it
Because in the last analysis
All moments are key moments,
And life itself is grace.

- Frederick Buechner


Linking up to Jess for IBOT


  1. Aww, so sweet! I'm very happy that you are finding having two is a pleasure and joy!! :)

  2. I think it's because you wisely included the brother in everyday activities with the little sister. Neither did you make a big fuss whenever the baby cries nor did you compare the siblings. Each child is accepted and loved on his / her own personality. :-)

  3. Lovely Post - keep the memories close

  4. What simply beautiful images of your two gorgeous little ones. I think sometimes the best parenting is done from the heart. No books, no advice, no rules, just go with the flow and listen to the whispers of your heart. Love the meaning of the names too, so special xx Josefa #teamIBOT

  5. Beautiful Serene! I love the second last image with Nathan's arm around his baby sis. I am afraid I have a jealous little boy on my hands most of the time. He wants me and the toys all to himself. I am hoping it gets better when his baby brother can play more. However that said Big brother always gets the biggest laughs out of his little brother

  6. Beautiful Serene! I love the second last image with Nathan's arm around his baby sis. I am afraid I have a jealous little boy on my hands most of the time. He wants me and the toys all to himself. I am hoping it gets better when his baby brother can play more. However that said Big brother always gets the biggest laughs out of his little brother

  7. Beautiful! I think that in reality that terrible sibling rivalry that people talk about doesn't really need to exist. Kids love company and teaching them to respect and enjoy each other, laugh together and be patient with each other brings the type of wonderful harmony you have in your little family.

  8. I'm sure you have helped without knowing, from your words it's obvious you're a patient and caring mum, so your children are extensions of you. They will fight when older but soon be friends again, just like mine. :) x

  9. So lovely to see them get along so well. Says a lot about the wonderful environment you're creating in the home.
    My four do bicker with each other from time to time, but they soon get over it. :)

  10. It amazes me how younger siblings adore their older siblings naturally, kids are such a blessing!


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