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About Time

Happy new year, peeps!

Hope you all had an exciting or memorable start to 2015…

I meant to write a fun post to kick off the new year on my blog. But as I was tinkering around on my laptop and letting random thoughts fly through my head, this was the word that stopped me in my tracks…


I think of all the crazy things I had decided to throw myself into last year, this has been the most precious thing I had been able to gain. And no, I did not manage to squeeze out an extra magic hour each day through some supernatural means.

I believe we all trade different things in our lives in exchange for more of this precious commodity to share with the people we hold closest and dearest to our hearts. Money. Sleep. A clean house. Road safety. Or even that new book/movie/game/TV series that has you at the edge of your seat.

When I decided to launch into this new venture of making a drastic change in my career to become a family day care educator, I knew that I would be giving up a lot of comforts. Money for one thing. Regular coffee and lunch dates with girlfriends and the hubs. Corporate achievements. My sanity.

I didn’t fully realise at that time, that I was trading all that in for the most precious commodity of all. TIME.

At my age, the preciousness time probably hasn’t fully weighed on me compared to people older than I am. I have used up a fair amount of it already in my childhood, my teens and twenties. But I still have a good amount of it left under my belt.

But I do feel a sense of the deep weight of it as it slips by in every new smile, every new word, every new development I witness in my children. I feel it behind each wry grin, each tear, each whispered confidence and each kiss shared with my dear hubs.

My decision last year has not come without some difficulty. But I believe I can say that I have come away richer than before. Rich in the time I am now able to spend at home with my children and to be able to be a witness to their lives each and every day. It feels almost indulgent to have so much of it to spend with them all day.

But with this newfound wealth of time available to spend with my family, it can also be something I can easily take for granted. To forget the preciousness of it and laze around or squander it away because I seemingly have so much of it to spend with them anyway to fritter away.

So with that thought in my mind, this will be my wish for the new year… To appreciate the richness of the time I now hold in my hands to spend with my family and aim to make every moment count. I don’t have to spend every single waking moment on them. Some of it still needs to go to my other personal interests, friends, family, hubby… and me of course. But whatever I choose to spend it on, it’s about making it count.

So to you I wish the same gift. TIME. Whatever your situation, I hope that your circumstances always allow you to be able to spend as much of it on the people and things that mean the most to you.

Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever. - Horace Mann at Lifehack QuotesHorace Mann at

Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset,
two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes.
No reward is offered for they are gone forever.
Image Source


  1. Thank you for this post, Serene. I often feel the same way about homeschooling. It almost feels indulgent.

    1. Yes... indulgent--a seemingly strange word to describe our situation. I am glad you 'get' me.

  2. Knowing how much you (by you, I mean we) love good quotes, here is another:
    “Time is a relentless river. It rages on, a respecter of no one.
    And this, this is the only way to slow time: Fully enter time’s swift current, enter into the current moment with the weight of all your attention, you slow the torrent with the weight of being all here.
    You can slow the torrent of time by being all here.
    Weigh down this moment in time with attention full, and the whole of time’s river slows, slows, slows.
    You only live the full life when you live fully in the moment.” Ann Voskamp, "One Thousand Gifts" (I haven't read her book, but I occasionally visit her blog)

    1. This is good. I've read this over so many times just to savour every word of it.

    2. Isn't it?! Thank you for getting me. =) I told Hans about this quote (butchering it along the way) and he said that it did not make sense to him. hahahaha... So glad I have you to share this with. =)


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