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The old and the new

There’s just something about coming back home that I find so reviving. Just breathing in the air and seeing familiar old places brings back so many wonderful memories from my childhood.

We are having a great time with family here… eating, playing, talking and more eating.

As the year draws to a close, I thought about all the amazing things that have happened including…

…My second pregnancy journey, surviving a rough first trimester, our major down-syndrome scare and the restless wait for baby to pop.

…Wondering how I could love another child as much as I loved my first one, but having my fears all dissipated immediately at Nathan’s and Grace’s first meeting, and now completely embracing this wildness and sweetness with two little wilds.

…Being surprised over how equally tough the post-partum period is second time round, going into survival mode over sleep-deprivation, but then learning how to edit such moments to keep the good ones.

…Also bravely taking the big plunge with a new pixie cut.

…Receiving the sweetest kiss ever.

…Discovering an impossible recipe for an egg-less, butter-less, milk-free Crazy Cake.

…Coming up with an awesome new creation called The Ultimate Bib.

…And embarking on a crazy new venture to start my own family day care.

Earlier this week on one quiet afternoon while the children were napping, I started flipping through some old photos. I smiled over some poignant moments captured and chuckled over snapshots of some of the funny poses we pulled.

I also thought about all the awesome new connections I have made this year in the blogging community through incredible blogging link-up parties hosted by Essentially Jess and The Multitasking Mummy, Wordless Wednesdays with Sakura Haruka, My Little Drummer Boys and Twinkle in The Eye, and all the lovely folks at the Singapore Mom Bloggers network.

(I used to hold back from link-up parties as I thought that such parties were all for bloggers who had already formed their own cliques and networks. I imagined that a new person walking into the room would just end up as a wallflower with no one coming up to chat to me the whole night. So I was amazed at the welcome, warmth, friendliness and openness that I received at these parties).

And this thought came to my mind… “Friends: Old and New”.

I am grateful for old friends and loved ones who have set the colours of the underlying fabric of my life, and also for new friends who have added to the colour and pattern of this tapestry.

“We need old friends to help us grow old and new friends to help us stay young”

So here’s to the friends of auld lang syne and also looking forward to more new memories to be made with friends, both old and new.

P.S. My favourite new year poem and thoughts on the meaning of “auld lang syne”.


Linking up to the IBOT party at Essentially Jess


  1. This is such a lovely post - you have captured your year so perfectly - and what a big one it was. I can't wait to follow your adventures of family day care, like I've said before, you are the right woman for the job! Happy New Year's Eve to you and 'see' you next year!
    Em x- also visiting as part of #teamIBOT

  2. What a beautiful new year's post, Serene. I also remember wondering if I could ever love another child as much as I did my first and all my fears just fading away the very first moment I saw my daughter. I love how you wrote 'learning to edit such moments to keep the good ones' - I know exactly what you mean and you put it so well. Wishing you and your family a happy and adventurous 2014.

  3. It certainly has been a big year for you. You are very brave to do a family daycare! I love the idea of starting one, but I don't think I would ever have the courage to go through with it. Hopefully 2014 will be very rewarding for you and your family.

  4. Happy New Year Serene! Sounds like you are having a great time away, trust the year ahead will be filled with much joy!

  5. Happy New Year! I love that you have joined in our little blogging community and it has been so much warmer than you thought it would be. Reading comments like this is what inspires me to carry on with IBOT. So thank you xxx

  6. It has been a big year Serene. So glad you are recharging in you're homeland. I was nodding my head for a few things there like remember how I honestly wondered how I would have time to show another child love and how easy it is when they are in you're arms. I too was surprised at how hard those newborn days were all over again. I always look back at my old photos when I go home I am too sacred to send them over here in case they get lost such memories are irreplaceable.. Happy New Year to you and you're little family x


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