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Sharing some Liebster Love

So here’s a big hug and thanks to the lovely Stephanie of Stephsjoy who has nominated me for a Liebster Award!


The Liebster Award is a nomination to bloggers from fellow bloggers who believe that their fellow blogger is writing some good stuff, but their name might not be that well-known in some circles. It’s a great and fun way to share our bloggy love and connect with each other.

Here are the rules of the Liebster Award: Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link back to their website. Then answer eleven questions asked by the person who nominated you. Finally, nominate more bloggers and list down eleven questions for them to answer. Remember to let those bloggers know that they have been nominated so they can continue the chain.


So first off, I shall launch into answering the eleven questions which Stephanie is apparently dying to know about me and my fellow nominees:

You have 30 minutes all to yourself, what do you do?
I dive into my hidden stash of chocolate and cookies, watch old episodes of Friends on my phone, and scroll through my Feedly, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram to my heart’s content.

What do you prefer – chocolate tart or cheesecake?
Chocolate tart. Because. Chocolate.

What’s the best advice that you’ve been given?
This too, shall pass. Applies to ALL situations and circumstances. Good and bad.

How many siblings do you have?
Two. Younger brothers. Both are currently living and working in Singapore as an engineer and an architect.

Your favourite thing to do on a date with a loved one?
I’m not sure of a particular ‘favourite’ activity because dates are such a rare occurrence nowadays. Plus we really enjoy going out as a whole family anyway. But on an adults only outing, what I would love most to do is: Eat. In uninterrupted bliss. And talk. In smooth-flowing uninterrupted conversations.

Do you have a brown thumb or a green thumb?
Definitely brown. Or any other colour. Except green.

What’s something nice that someone else has done for you?
Oh, so many things. People are so kind. Like buying lunch for me and driving over to personally deliver it (and eating it together with me). Helping to buy milk for me (since I can’t really pop out to shops whenever I like these days). Taking the time to leave a thoughtful comment on my blog. And when my sweet hubby does this for me in the bathroom.

Describe your staple outfit.
Long or short sleeve top. Paired with skinny jeans or leggings. And my favourite pair of rough diamond earrings.

Your dinner last night was….
A slapstick version of these ‘Hungerover Noodles’. Because I was feeling a under the weather but still needed to pull something together to feed my family.

What’s your quirky habit?
I sigh. A lot apparently. It’s my key pressure release valve.

What reminds you of your childhood?
Banana fritters (a.k.a. pisang goreng). Always mingled with the smell of chlorine. It was our family’s regular treat after we went swimming.

Here are the amazing bloggers I would like to nominate to play along…

  • Adriana of The Diaries of a Glam Mama
    Adriana’s all about babywearing (with an edge!). Definitely one of the most glam mamas I know. Her positive approach to life despite all the hard knocks she’s been through is truly inspiring.
  • Shuyin of Shuyin’s Sanctuary
    Shuyin writes about her everyday adventures as a mum to two boys living in Penang, Malaysia. She throws amazing parties for her boys and writes great honest reviews of children’s products.
  • Karen & Ally of LuCk
    Awesome creative play ideas from these two mums which they’ve tested out on their own kids. They also photograph the play in action so you get a chance to review how it might turned out so you can anticipate the level of fun (and mess) factor.
  • Aparna of The Weaving ideas
    Aparna shares all sorts of terrific kids activities and craft ideas she does at home with her son. I like the practical ideas and use of simple everyday items for her activities.
  • June of Mamawearpapashirt
    I love the simple, quiet, reflective spirit of June’s blog and always come away feeling refreshed and inspired after reading her blog.
  • Jennifer of DinoMama
    I like the informative yet fun tone of Jennifer’s blog. She loves all things related to food and cooking, so I always enjoy her Foodie Friday linkups for recipe ideas. And the fact that she can whip up a three-course dinner in under one hour after work is really quite a feat!
  • PC of Simply Us
    I just adore the gorgeous photos and images on PC’s blog. Her photographic journeys and digital scrapbooks really offer beautiful and different perspectives to seemingly ordinary, everyday sights.
  • Danni & Mel of Honey You Baked
    These two mamas share all sorts yummo recipes and terrific home ideas. I love the fun energy of their blog, which is just chock-full of ideas and inspirations.

(Each one of these bloggers are ones I truly admire and enjoy connecting with. Take my word that they are really worth checking out!)

And now for my eleven questions for the nominees…

  1. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  2. What’s the worst tasting thing you’ve ever eaten?
  3. What’s your least favourite household chore?
  4. What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
  5. What’s your favourite fall back meal idea?
  6. What’s your earliest childhood memory?
  7. What’s the biggest personal change you’ve ever made?
  8. Which movies have you watched over and over again?
  9. What are your tried and trusted remedies for colds?
  10. Would you describe yourself as an extrovert or an introvert?
  11. What is your favourite go-to place to take out-of-town guests?

Thanks for playing along with this bit of bloggy fun! Look forward to learning more about you :)

Blogging with Jess for IBOT


  1. Snap - I also sigh A LOT and have been told I do it in my sleep! Have to agree I also have a black thumb! x

  2. Haha - yes CHOCOLATE without a doubt! And "this too shall pass" is one of my mantras, whenever anything is stressing me out. Great advice!

    Visiting today from #teamIBOT xxx

  3. Loved that you have a hidden stash. You are a girl after my own heart! Thanks for sharing!


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